How do you read or write a file on the server from PHP? Give an example

How do you read or write a file on the server from PHP? Give an example

How do you read or write a file on the server from PHP? Give an example

  1. fopen("filename.txt","mode"):- Used for opening file in desired mode, it takes 2 attribute, file name and mode(reading,writing).It is also used to create file.
  2. fread(filename, no of character):- Used to read file takes two attribute file name and number of character we want to read.
  3. fclose(filename):- Used to close file.
  4. fwrite(filename,writing content):- Used to write file 

Code for Reading File in server.


echo"Read File:";

$handler = fopen("file.txt","r");

Steps for Reading File in Server:

step1: create a file using fopen with arguments as a file name with .txt extension and mode with which you want to open the file (here reading) and store the file in some variable to access later.

Step2: Read file using fread with arguments as a file name which is a variable we have assigned to a file name earlier and no of characters we want to read.

step3: Close the file with an argument as a file name which is a variable we have assigned to a file name earlier.

Code for writing File in server.


echo"Write File:";

$handler = fopen("file.txt","w");

Steps for Writing File in Server:

step1: create a file using fopen with arguments as a file name with .txt extension and mode with which you want to open the file (here writing) and store the file in some variable to access later.

Step2: Write file using fwrite with arguments as a file name which is a variable we have assigned to a file name earlier and no of characters we want to write.

step3: Close the file with an argument as a file name which is a variable we have assigned to a file name earlier.

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