Explain different form widget created with <input> tag.
different types of input tag are:
text : used to take text input
syntax:<input type="text">
search : used to create search box
syntax : <input type="search">
url : used to take url input
syntax:<input type="url">
email: used to take only email format input.
syntax:<input type="email">
tel: used to take teliphone no input i.e 10 digit input.
syntax:<input type="tel">
password: used to take password input
syntax:<input type="password">
datetime: used to take date and time input.
syntax:<input type="datetime">
date: used to take date input.
syntax:<input type="date">.
month: used to take month input (jan,feb,mar etc)
syntax:<input type="month">
week: used to take day input(mon, tue, sun)
syntax:<input type="week">
time: use to take time as input
syntax:<input type="time">
number: used to take number as input
syntax:<input type="number">
button:used to create button input
syntax:<input type="button">
radio: used to create a radio button in which one can be select from two
syntax:<input type="radio">
checkbox:used to create check box.
syntax:<input type="checkbox">
file:used to take file input
syntax:<input type="file">
image: used to take image input.
syntax:<input type="image">
submit:used to create submit button for submiting values.
syntax:<input type="submit">
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