Common design patterns Ask in Software Engineer interview
The two most commonly asked design patterns in Software Engineering interviews are.
👉01. Singleton Design Pattern
👉02. Factory Design pattern
Both the design pattern are creational design patterns it means It gives the way to create objects while hiding creation logic.
👉01. Factory Design Pattern
In the Factory design pattern, we create objects without exposing the creation logic to the client and refer to newly created objects using a common interface.
Steps in creating Factory design Pattern
Step 1: Create an interface
public interface Shape{
void draw();
Step 2: Create a concrete class using the same interface.
public class Rectangle implements shape{
public void draw(){
public class Square implements shape{
public void draw(){
Step 3: Create a factory to generate object
public class ShapeFactory{
public shape getShape(String shape){
if(shape == null) return null;
if(shape.equals("Square") ) return new Square();
if(shape.equals("Rectangle")) return new Rectangle();
return null;
👉02. Singleton Design Pattern
Used to create singleton class and singleton class is a class that can have only one object at a time.
Steps to create Singleton design pattern
👉01. Mark the constructor private.
👉02. Create a private static class variable.
👉03. Create a public method to create an object after checking if the object is not already created.
class Singleton{
private static Singleton obj = null;
private Singleton(){}
public static singleton getInstance(){
if(obj == null) obj = new Singleton();
return obj;
📓 We can make Singleton class thread-safe in the following ways:
👉 mark the method to get instance synchronized (WORST)
👉 mark the code block of creating an object as synchronized (BETTER)
👉 Create an instance using enum INSTANCE; (BEST)
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