Applications of machine learning

Applications of machine learning


Application of Machine Learning are:

  • Traffic Prediction: ML algorithm is used for predicting traffic in maps like google map, etc.
Blue:     No Traffic
Yellow: Less Trafic
Red: Heavy Traffic

  • Virtual Personal Assistants: In Virtual Personal Assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortina, Seri user's give input, the input goes into the server, in server ml algorithm works to decode input and find best output and output is displayed to the user.

  • Customer Targeted Advertisement: let's Suppose I want to buy a shoe from amazon but after seeing it I didn't buy and left the page and switch to facebook/youtube their advertisement related to the shoe is displaying that's called customer targeted advertisement.

  • Email Spamming: We can send email to spam list using various ml algorithm by using ml algorithm we filter email based on the label like a lottery, winner, free.

  • Stock Market Trading: In stock market trading LONG SHORT TERM MEMORY(LSTM) Neural network is used to predict stock exchange.

  • Medical Technology: Ml algorithm help in Disease Identification, Personalized Treatment, Drug Discovery, Clinic Research, Radiology.

  • Automatic Translation: Using OCR Text is recognized. Further Sequence-to-Sequence ml algorithm is used to translate the text from one language to another.
Check-out all ML post: ML POST


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